Sunday, April 26, 2009

my next book collection

My next book collection has to be the twilight saga... i'm actually really obsessed with the paranormal stories and tales. That's why i'm a big fan of The Paranormal State and The Ghost Hunters / International (Taps), and also Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. Tadaaaa....!!! my first book....


tettyias said...

Nora, is this the one yang jadi movie? Yang ada vampire tue...

nowra said...

yup!!!! heheheh

tettyias said...

waahh... know i LURRRVVEEE vampires... they are all hunks... why ho?? i wonder....

nowra said...

because they are sexy, and mysterious.... I Like!!!! owh... kinek nora ada collection supernatural until season 2...

tettyias said...

oowhh okk... by the way... up datelah your blog ehh... seronok baca... hehehehhe